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Celebrity Birthplace - England, United Kingdom
Naomi Lowde-Priestley
Derek Ramsay
Severus Snape
Ron Weasley
Harriet Wheeler
Donna McPhail
Michele Galagher
Zoe Hobbs
Aaron London
Ailsa Marshall
Ashleigh Good
Fiona Brattle
Sarah Butler
Charles Ingram
W. O. Bentley
Antony Green
Steve Matchett
Tip Tipping
Robert Fellowes, Baron Fellowes
Helen Rollason
Lew Stringer
Clive Waterhouse
Mark Jones
John Henderson
Andrew Mallard
John Henry Clarke
Anthony Okungbowa
Sara Nathan (journalist)
Graham King
Geoff Hoyle
Mike Barker
Angie George
Yuffie Yulan
Ben Lovett
Fiona Russell-Powell
Brian Bedford (songwriter)
Michael Audreson
Alfred Paget
Hamish McColl
Oliver Smith
Ian Tattersall
Sir William Acland, 2nd Baronet
Mary Porter
Alan Towers
Marcus Romer
Francesca Isherwood
Katie Green
Malcolm Mowbray
Bob La Castra
Dan Noble
Francis J. Banfield
Terry Stacey
Kim Nye
Edward Carey (novelist)
Nigel Rhodes
Oli Brown
Sarah Outen
Lucy Bell
Harry Lazarus
Mikita Brottman
Craig Percival
John Carpenter, 4th Earl of Tyrconnell
Adam Sidlow
H. R. Bankart
Guy Bellis
D. Ramirez
Eunice Bowman
Pugsey Hurley
Thomas Jankowski
Josh Morris (English footballer)
Guy Adams
Nathan Massey (rugby league born 1989)
Nick Varney
Rob Cage
Gérard Moss
Terrence McCartney Filgate
Bob Layton (newscaster)
Ian Cammish
Jolyon Rubinstein
Ciara Horne
Albert Walker (Ontario politician)
Maggie London
Geoffrey Thompson (businessman)
Amanda Thompson (businesswoman)
Colin Bryan
Harrison Boxley
George Bryan (businessman)
Vera Bryan
Richard De Vere
Leonard Thompson (businessman)
James Tallentine
Mark Wood (Medal of Honor)
Joseph Keene
Simon Chandler
Lola Rosso
Felicity Fox
Jessica Burley
Isaac Waddington
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