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Celebrity Birthplace - Brighton, East Sussex, England
Simon Cowell
Samantha Womack
Katie Price
Daisy Hilton
Violet Hilton
Herbert Rawlinson
Dean Measor
Jack Clayton
Ray Brooks
Derek Francis
Wanda Ventham
Adrian Brunel
Lesley Manville
Jeffery Boswall
Geraldine Newman
George Burchett
Beth Cordingly
Maui Taylor
John Hicklenton
Stan Willemse
Alma Birk
Ian Beck
Jocelyn Oxlade
Stephanie Parker
John Garrick
Natasha O'Keeffe
Tasie Lawrence
John Wells-Thorpe
Isaiah Aram Minasian
Alexandra Brown
Noble (musician)
Mia Clarke
Hamilton (musician)
Wood (musician)
Chloe Goodman
Lauryn Goodman
Richard Hadfield
Eva Moore
Fred Walton
Robert Wisden
Jessie Mei Li
Charlie Russell (cricketer)
Tom Moores
Gracey (singer)
Bitter Ruin
Richard Alexander Bevan
Lucinda Strafford
Jamie Patterson
Marisa Abela
Chiara Green
Pippa Taylor
Jack Adams
Garnt Maneetapho
Shana Grice
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