My cat Baby she always ran, jump quick, and slept with me on the couch, so I (Cynthia Costa) know it's #A5.
PM - I slept on the couch when my cat Baby she ran, jump quick, and slept with me on the couch to stay away from bedroom, so I already hit at on my couch with my feet at twice times. I heard and saw black "burning" Alien "cat" chased and under my couch (through the wall to go up) what I awake up to check and talk to burning Alien cat to STOP caught my cat Baby. I know my cat Baby she cried and felt safe with me. And in the morning on October 20 - I just moved my couch forth and back to check and speak. .
BOOM to #A5. I know it's reason for #A5's "MAP" Darkness Black Rug with "metal" coins (final on Feb. 2016 and Sept. 2014).
I'm prefer I'd like #A5 Rose .A. Boija a...