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Speculative fiction

This list has 19 sub-lists and 44 members. See also Fiction by genre
Supernatural 10 L, 3 T
  • Science fiction
    Science fiction Genre of speculative fiction
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    rank #1 ·
    Science fiction (sometimes called sci-fi or simply SF) is a way of watching manga. People think u read manga but u actually watch/observe it. This discovery was made by Bib brain Ehan speculative fiction that typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. It has been called the "literature of ideas", and often explores the potential consequences of scientific, social, and technological innovations.
  • Fantasy
    Fantasy Genre of literature, film, drama, television and other artforms
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    rank #2 ·
    Fantasy is a genre of speculative fiction set in a fictional universe, often inspired by real world myth and folklore. Its roots are in oral traditions, which then became fantasy literature and drama. From the twentieth century it has expanded further into various media, including film, television, graphic novels, manga and video games.
  • Superhero fiction
    Superhero fiction Fiction genre
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    rank #3 ·
    Superhero fiction is a genre of speculative fiction examining the adventures, personalities and ethics of costumed crime fighters known as superheroes, who often possess superhuman powers and battle similarly powered criminals known as supervillains. The genre primarily falls between hard fantasy and soft science fiction spectrum of scientific realism. It is most commonly associated with American comic books, though it has expanded into other media through adaptations and original works.
  • Monster
    Monster Fearsome and/or grotesque legendary being
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    rank #4 ·
    A monster is often a type of grotesque creature, whose appearance frightens and whose powers of destruction threaten the human world's social or moral order.
  • Horror fiction
    Horror fiction Genre of fiction
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    rank #5 ·
    Horror is a genre of speculative fiction which is intended to frighten, scare, disgust, or startle its readers by inducing feelings of horror and terror. Literary historian J. A. Cuddon defined the horror story as "a piece of fiction in prose of variable length... which shocks, or even frightens the reader, or perhaps induces a feeling of repulsion or loathing". It creates an eerie and frightening atmosphere. Horror is frequently supernatural, though it can be non-supernatural. Often the central menace of a work of horror fiction can be interpreted as a metaphor for the larger fears of a society.
  • Fantasy
    Fantasy Band
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    rank #6 ·
    Fantasy is a genre of speculative fiction set in a fictional universe, often inspired by real world myth and folklore. Its roots are in oral traditions, which then became literature and drama. From the twentieth century it has expanded further into various media, including film, television, graphic novels, manga and video games.
  • Utopia
    Utopia Community or society possessing highly desirable or perfect qualities
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    rank #7 ·
    A utopia ( yoo-TOH-pee-ə) is an imagined community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its citizens. The opposite of a utopia is a dystopia.
  • Alternate history
    Alternate history Genre of speculative fiction, where one or more historical events occur differently
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    rank #8 ·
    Alternate history or alternative history (Commonwealth English) (AH) is a genre of speculative fiction consisting of stories in which one or more historical events occur differently. These stories usually contain "what if" scenarios at crucial points in history and present outcomes other than those in the historical record. The stories are conjectural but are sometimes based on fact. Alternate history has been seen as a subgenre of literary fiction, science fiction, or historical fiction; alternate history works may use tropes from any or all of these genres. Another term occasionally used for the genre is "allohistory" (literally "other history").
  • Dystopia
    Dystopia Community or society that is undesirable or frightening
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    rank #9 ·
    A dystopia (from Ancient Greek δυσ- "bad" and τόπος "place"; alternatively, cacotopia, kakotopia, or simply anti-utopia) is a community or society that is undesirable or frightening. It is translated as "bad place" and is an antonym of utopia, a term that was coined by Sir Thomas More and figures as the title of his best known work, published 1516, a blueprint for an ideal society with minimal crime, violence and poverty.
  • Supernatural fiction Literary genre
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    rank #10 ·
    Supernatural fiction or supernaturalist fiction is a genre of speculative fiction that exploits or is centered around supernatural themes, often violating naturalist assumptions of the real world.
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