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Sindhi language

This list has 2 members.
  • Abdul Majid Bhurgri Institute of Language Engineering
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    Abdul Majid Bhurgri Institute of Language Engineering (Sindhi: عبدالماجد ڀرڳڙي انسٽيٽيوٽ آف لئنگئيج انجنيئرنگ‎) is an autonomous body under the administrative control of the Culture, Tourism and Antiquities Department, Government of Sindh established for bringing Sindhi language at par with national and international languages in all computational process and Natural language processing.
  • Sindhi language
    Sindhi language Indo-Aryan language spoken in South Asia
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    rank #2 ·
    Sindhi (SIN-dee; Sindhi: سِنڌِي‎ (Perso-Arabic) or सिन्धी (Devanagari), ) is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by about 30 million people in the Pakistani province of Sindh, where it has official status. It is also spoken by a further 1.7 million people in India, where it is a scheduled language, without any state-level official status. The main writing system is the Perso-Arabic script, which accounts for the majority of the Sindhi literature and is the only one currently used in Pakistan. In India, both the Perso-Arabic script and Devanagari are used.
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