S · M

Schools in Southfield, Michigan

This list has 3 members. See also Schools in Oakland County, Michigan, Southfield, Michigan, Schools in Michigan by populated place
  • Southfield Christian School Private christian school in Southfield, Michigan, United States
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    Southfield Christian School (SCS) is a private, college-preparatory Christian school in Southfield, Michigan. It is a ministry of Highland Park Baptist Church for grades PK–12.
  • Southfield High School Public school in Southfield, Michigan, United States
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    Southfield High School for the Arts and Technology is a public high school located in Southfield, Michigan. The school was founded in 1951. It serves grades 9–12 for the Southfield Public Schools.
  • Yeshivat Akiva Religious school in Michigan, United States
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    Yeshivat Akiva is an N-12 Modern Orthodox Religious Zionist day school in Southfield, Michigan, serving Southeast Michigan. It opened in 1964 as an elementary school and shortly thereafter added a middle school (in 1967) and high school (starting in 1971, with a 10th grade). From the start the school has had a strong connection to Israel and for the first two decades the school's 12th grade took place in Israel. The first high school class graduated in 1974. The school's early motto was "The best of two worlds," which was later reworded as "The best of both worlds."
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