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Right-wing parties in Europe

This list has 31 sub-lists and 180 members. See also Political parties in Europe, Right-wing parties by continent, Right-wing politics in Europe
Law and Justice
Law and Justice 1 L, 11 T
United Poland
United Poland 1 L, 1 T
Jobbik 2 L, 5 T
Finns Party
Finns Party 4 L, 3 T
Lega Nord
Lega Nord 1 L, 23 T
ANO 2011
ANO 2011 3 L, 9 T
Vlaams Belang
Vlaams Belang 1 L, 2 T
  • National Bolshevik Party
    National Bolshevik Party Political party in Russia
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    rank #1 ·
    The National Bolshevik Party (NBP; Russian: Национал-большевистская партия, also known as the Nazbols; Russian: Нацболы) operated from 1993 to 2007 as a Russian political party with a political program of National Bolshevism. The NBP became a prominent member of The Other Russia coalition of opposition parties. Russian courts banned the organization and it never officially registered as a political party. In 2010, its leader Eduard Limonov founded a new political party, called The Other Russia. There have been smaller NBP groups in other countries.
  • Ukrainian National Union (political party)
    Ukrainian National Union (political party) Political party in Ukraine
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    rank #2 ·
    The Ukrainian National Union (Ukrainian: Український Національний Союз; abbreviated UNU) is a Ukrainian far-right organisation. It was founded in 2009 and was a member of Social-National Assembly until 2013.
  • Dveri
    Dveri Political party in Serbia
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    rank #3 · 1
    The Serbian Movement Dveri (Serbian: Српски покрет Двери, Srpski pokret Dveri), commonly just known as Dveri (Serbian: Двери, 'doors'), is a nationalist and right-wing populist political party in Serbia. Its current president since 2024 is Ivan Kostić, who succeeded Boško Obradović, one of the co-founders of the party.
  • Republic (Slovakia)
    Republic (Slovakia) Far-right political party in Slovakia
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    rank #4 ·
    Republic (Slovak: Republika) is a far-right political party in Slovakia, led by Milan Uhrík.
  • Patriotic Alternative
    Patriotic Alternative British far-right hate group
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    rank #5 ·
    Patriotic Alternative (PA) is a British far-right white nationalist group which states that it has active branches nationwide. Its stance has been variously described as antisemitic, Islamophobic, fascist and racist.
  • Slovak National Party
    Slovak National Party Political party in Slovakia
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    rank #6 · 1
    The Slovak National Party (Slovak: Slovenská národná strana, SNS) is a nationalist political party in Slovakia. The party characterizes itself as a nationalist party based on both social and the European Christian values.
  • Nationalist Movement Party
    Nationalist Movement Party Turkish political party
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    rank #7 ·
    The Nationalist Movement Party (alternatively translated as Nationalist Action Party; Turkish: Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi, MHP) is a Turkish far-right ultraconservative political party that adheres to Turkish ultranationalism and Euroscepticism.
  • Law and Justice
    Law and Justice Polish political party
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    rank #8 ·
    Law and Justice (Polish: Prawo i Sprawiedliwość , PiS) is a right-wing populist and national-conservative political party in Poland. The party is a member of European Conservatives and Reformists Group. Its chairman had been Jarosław Kaczyński since 18 January 2003.
  • Right Sector
    Right Sector Far-right political party in Ukraine
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    rank #9 ·
    Right Sector (Ukrainian: Пра́вий се́ктор, Pravyi sektor) is a loosely defined coalition of right-wing to far-right Ukrainian nationalist organizations. It originated in November 2013 as a right-wing, paramilitary confederation of several ultranationalist organizations at the Euromaidan revolt in Kyiv, where its street fighters participated in clashes with riot police. The coalition became a political party on 22 March 2014, at which time it claimed to have roughly 10,000 members. Founding groups included the Trident (Tryzub), led by Dmytro Yarosh and Andriy Tarasenko [uk], and the Ukrainian National Assembly–Ukrainian National Self-Defense (UNA–UNSO), a political and paramilitary organization. Other founding groups included the Social-National Assembly, and its Patriot of Ukraine paramilitary wing, White Hammer, and the Sich Battalion. White Hammer was expelled in March 2014, and Patriot of Ukraine left the organization, along with many UNA–UNSO members, in the following months.
  • Italian Social Movement
    Italian Social Movement Italian neo-fascist party
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    rank #10 ·
    The Italian Social Movement (Italian: Movimento Sociale Italiano, MSI) was a neo-fascist political party in Italy. A far-right party, it presented itself until the 1990s as the defender of Italian fascism's legacy, and later moved towards national conservatism. In 1972, the Italian Democratic Party of Monarchist Unity was merged into the MSI and the party's official name was changed to Italian Social Movement – National Right (Italian: Movimento Sociale Italiano – Destra Nazionale, MSI–DN).
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