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Politics of Switzerland

This list has 14 sub-lists and 11 members. See also Politics by country, Switzerland, Politics of Europe by country, Power sharing
  • Federal Assembly (Switzerland)
    Federal Assembly (Switzerland) Bicameral national legislature of Switzerland
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    The Federal Assembly (German: Bundesversammlung, French: Assemblée fédérale, Italian: Assemblea federale, Romansh: Assamblea federala) is Switzerland's federal legislature. It meets in Bern in the Federal Palace.
  • Politics of Switzerland Political system of Switzerland
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    Switzerland is a semi-direct democratic federal republic. The federal legislative power is vested in the two chambers of the Federal Assembly, the National Council and the Council of States. The Federal Council holds the executive power and is composed of seven power-sharing Federal Councillors elected by the Federal Assembly. The judicial branch is headed by the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland, whose judges are elected by the Federal Assembly.
  • Direct democracy
    Direct democracy Form of democracy where people decide on policy directly
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    Direct democracy or pure democracy is a form of democracy in which people decide on policy initiatives directly. This differs from the majority of currently established democracies, which are representative democracies.
  • Ecopop Swiss group against overpopulation
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    Ecopop (ECOlogie et POPulation, "Ecology and Population") is a Swiss voluntary association established in 1971 dedicated to the preservation of non-renewable resources and the reduction of overpopulation. Ecopop is a member of European Population Alliance (founded 2012).
  • Cantonal Council of Schwyz
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    Cantonal Council of Schwyz (German: Schwyzer Kantonsrat) is the legislature of the Canton of Schwyz in Switzerland. Schwyz has a unicameral legislature. The Cantonal Council has 100 seats which are elected every four years in a proportional election.
  • Jugendkulturhaus Dynamo
    Jugendkulturhaus Dynamo Youth center in Zürich, Switzerland
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    Jugendkulturhaus Dynamo (transl. "Youth Cultural Center Dynamo"), also known as the Drahtschmidli is a youth center in Zürich, Switzerland. The space hosts workshops, concerts, and plays. It also includes a restaurant and club.
  • Röstigraben
    Röstigraben Cultural boundary between German- and French-speaking Swiss
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    Röstigraben (literally "Rösti ditch" or "Rösti trench" also transcribed Röschtigraben to reflect the Swiss German pronunciation) is a term used to refer to the cultural boundary between German-speaking Switzerland and Romandy, the French-speaking parts. There is also the term Polentagraben, referring to the boundary between German-speaking cantons and the Italian-speaking canton of Ticino.
  • Foraus
    Foraus Thinktank on Swiss foreign policy
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    foraus (German: Forum Aussenpolitik, French: Forum de politique étrangère, Italian: Forum di politica estera) is a thinktank on Swiss foreign policy. It is headquartered in Bern and has offices in Geneva and Zürich and works according to the grassroots principle, based on 9 regional groups across Switzerland. Most of its members are academic scholars, students and young professionals, who produce evidence-based discussion papers to be used as recommendations for decision makers and a broader public. The think tank organises events and is funded through membership fees as well as through the support of foundations and private donors.
  • Operation Libero
    Operation Libero Liberal transpartisan political movement in Switzerland
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    rank #9 ·
    Operation Libero is a liberal transpartisan political movement in Switzerland.
  • Swiss Federal Constitution
    Swiss Federal Constitution Constitution of the Swiss Confederation
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    rank #10 ·
    The Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation (SR 10; German: Bundesverfassung der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft (BV); French: Constitution fédérale de la Confédération suisse (Cst.); Italian: Costituzione federale della Confederazione Svizzera (Cost.); Romansh: Constituziun federala da la Confederaziun svizra) of 18 April 1999 (SR 101) is the third and current federal constitution of Switzerland.
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