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Pejorative terms for white people

This list has 2 sub-lists and 5 members. See also Ethnic and religious slurs, Anti-white racism, Stereotypes of white people
  • White Trash
    White Trash American English slur for poor white people
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    White trash is an American English pejorative term referring to poor white people in the United States, suggesting lower social class and degraded living standards. The term suggests outcasts from respectable society living on the fringes of the social order who are seen as dangerous because they may be criminal, unpredictable, and without respect for authority whether it be political, legal, or moral. The term is usually a slur, but may also be used self-referentially by whites to jokingly describe their origins, as in the humorous book by Michelle Lamar and Molly Wendland, The White Trash Mom Handbook: Embrace Your Inner Trailerpark, Forget Perfection, Resist Assimilation into the PTA, Stay Sane, and Keep Your Sense of Humor (2008).
  • Gringo
    Gringo Spanish and Portuguese term for foreigner
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    A gringo (, Portuguese: ) (male) or gringa (female) is someone considered a foreigner from the perspective of Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries in Latin America. Gringo usually refers to a foreigner, especially from the United States or (to a lesser extent) Canada. Although it is considered an offensive term in Spanish-speaking countries, in Brazilian Portuguese, the term simply means "foreign". In English it often carries a derogatory connotation, and occasionally does so in Spanish and Portuguese. Possible other connotations may include monolingualism, a lack of understanding of Hispanic culture, and blond hair with white skin.
  • White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
    White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Upper-class white American Protestants
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    In the United States, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants or Wealthy Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP) is a sociological term which is often used to describe white Protestant Americans of English, or more broadly British, descent who are generally part of the white dominant culture or upper-class and historically often the Mainline Protestant elite. Some sociologists and commentators use WASP more broadly to include all White Protestant Americans of Northwestern European and Northern European ancestry. It was seen to be in exclusionary contrast to Catholics, Jews, Irish, immigrants, southern or eastern Europeans, and the non-White. WASPs have dominated American society, culture, and politics for most of the history of the United States. Critics have disparaged them as "The Establishment". Although the social influence of wealthy WASPs has declined since the 1960s, the group continues to play a central role in American finance, politics, and philanthropy.
  • Hillbilly
    Hillbilly Stereotype of some rural Americans
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    rank #4 ·
    Hillbilly is a term for people who dwell in rural, mountainous areas in the United States, primarily in the Appalachian region and Ozarks. As people migrated out of the region during the Great Depression, the term spread northward and westward with them.
  • Redneck
    Redneck Derogatory term applied to white person from the rural South of the United States
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    rank #5 ·
    Redneck is a derogatory term mainly, but not exclusively, applied to white Americans perceived to be crass and unsophisticated, closely associated with rural whites of the Southern United States.
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