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Online schools in the United States

This list has 1 sub-list and 34 members. See also Online schools, Schools in the United States, Distance education institutions based in the United States
  • CompuHigh Online high school
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    CompuHigh is a private, accredited, online high school established in 1994. CompuHigh provides individual courses as well as a diploma program called Whitmore School. CompuHigh is accredited by AdvancED (formerly known as NCA CASI and SACS CASI). CompuHigh serves national U.S. and international English-speaking students in grades 9–12. CompuHigh has open, year-round enrollment and is self-paced.
  • ASU Prep Digital High school in Arizona, United States
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    ASU Prep Digital is a public charter university-preparatory school in the Arizona State University Preparatory Academy.
  • Franklin Virtual High School
    Franklin Virtual High School Private high school
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    Franklin Virtual High School (or FVHS) is a private online high school located in Tallahassee, Florida. It was established in 2010 and provides its entire academic program online only (virtual campus).
  • Mesa Distance Learning Program
    Mesa Distance Learning Program School in Mesa, Maricopa, Arizona, United States
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    Mesa Distance Learning Program (MDLP) is a distance learning program for grades 5–12 sponsored by Mesa Public Schools in Mesa, Arizona, US that offers students worldwide a US-based education leading to a high school diploma. Tuition is free for students studying in Arizona who have also passed Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards exam to obtain that benefit. Those enrolling from outside Arizona must pay USD 225 per course. The Mesa Distance Learning Program is also used by other Arizona school districts.
  • Oregon Connections Academy Public school in Prairie City, Grant, Oregon, United States
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    Oregon Connections Academy is a tuition–free K–12 online public school affiliated with the Prairie City School District in Prairie City, Oregon, United States. The school is operated by Oregon Connections Academy, a nonprofit corporation, through a contract with Connections Academy of Oregon, LLC dba Pearson Online & Blended Learning to provide its educational program and other services. The school is governed by an independent board of directors, and all board meetings are open to the public.
  • Colorado State University–Global Campus
    Colorado State University–Global Campus Online public university in Colorado, U.S.
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    Colorado State University Global (CSU Global) is an online public university that is a member of the Colorado State University System. Founded in 2007, CSU Global is headquartered in Denver, Colorado. CSU Global offers online undergraduate and graduate degree and certificate programs. The university specializes in non-traditional, adult professional students and students who can't take part in a traditional campus setting.
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    Dwight Global Online School is an online, coeducational, independent school for students in seventh through twelfth grade. It is part of the Dwight Global Schools Network.
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    Hoosier Academy Virtual Charter School was an online K-12 school sponsored by the state of Indiana, operated by education management organization K12.
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    Tennessee Virtual Academy is a virtual K-8 school sponsored by the Union County, Tennessee Public Schools and operated by for-profit education management organization K12. It is one of nine virtual schools in the state. Tennessee Online Public School serves grades 9–12.
  • Wisconsin Virtual Academy Virtual school in McFarland, Wisconsin, United States
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    rank #10 ·
    Wisconsin Virtual Academy (WIVA) is a virtual school administered as a charter school by the McFarland School District in McFarland, Wisconsin. The school is operated by the for-profit K12 Inc. corporation of Virginia.
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