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Music recording certifications

This list has 3 members. See also Music industry, Music awards
  • Music recording certification
    Music recording certification System of certifying that a music recording has shipped, sold, or streamed a certain number of units
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    Music recording certification is a system of certifying that a music recording has shipped, sold, or streamed a certain number of units. The threshold quantity varies by type (such as album, single, music video) and by nation or territory (see List of music recording certifications).
  • RIAA certification Sales certification from the Recording Industry Association of America
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    In the United States, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) awards certification based on the number of albums and singles sold through retail and other ancillary markets. Other countries have similar awards (see music recording sales certification). Certification is not automatic; for an award to be made, the record label must request certification. The audit is conducted against net shipments after returns (most often an artist's royalty statement is used), which includes albums sold directly to retailers and one-stops, direct-to-consumer sales (music clubs and mail order) and other outlets.
  • TurnTable Certification System of Nigeria
    TurnTable Certification System of Nigeria None-trade organization representing the recording industry in Nigeria
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    rank #3 ·
    TurnTable Certification System of Nigeria (TCSN), founded by the Nigeria music magazine TurnTable, to represent the music recording certification in Nigeria based on the number of albums and singles paid streams and digital downloads. The certification is not automatic; for an award to be made, the manager, distributor, or record label must first request certification from its website.
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