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Hungarian Parliament

This list has 3 sub-lists and 3 members. See also National legislatures, Parliaments by country, Law of Hungary
  • Fiscal Council of Hungary Official watchdog
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    rank #1 ·
    The Fiscal Council of Hungary (Költségvetési Tanács) is an independent fiscal oversight body tasked by Hungary's Parliament to oversee the state budget process in Hungary. It was established in 2008 by Act LXXV of 2008 and its tasks have been expanded by Act CXCIV of 2011.
  • Diet of Hungary
    Diet of Hungary Parliament of the Kingdom of Hungary
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    rank #2 ·
    The Diet of Hungary or originally: Parlamentum Publicum / Parlamentum Generale (Hungarian: Országgyűlés) became the supreme legislative institution in the medieval kingdom of Hungary from the 1290s, and in its successor states, Royal Hungary and the Habsburg kingdom of Hungary throughout the Early Modern period. The name of the legislative body was originally "Parlamentum" during the Middle Ages, the "Diet" expression gained mostly in the Early Modern period. It convened at regular intervals with interruptions during the period of 1527 to 1918, and again until 1946.
  • National Assembly (Hungary)
    National Assembly (Hungary) Parliament of Hungary
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    rank #3 ·
    The National Assembly (Hungarian: Országgyűlés, 'Country Assembly') is the parliament of Hungary. The unicameral body consists of 199 (386 between 1990 and 2014) members elected to four-year terms. Election of members is done using a semi-proportional representation: a mixed-member majoritarian representation with partial compensation via transfer votes and mixed single vote; involving single-member districts and one list vote; parties must win at least 5% of the popular vote in order to gain list seats. The Assembly includes 25 standing committees to debate and report on introduced bills and to supervise the activities of the ministers. The Constitutional Court of Hungary has the right to challenge legislation on the grounds of constitutionality.
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