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European-American culture in Appalachia

The list "European-American culture in Appalachia" has been viewed 2 times.
This list has 5 sub-lists and 2 members. See also European-American culture, Ethnic groups in Appalachia
  • Hillbilly
    Hillbilly Stereotype of some rural Americans
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    rank #1 ·
    Hillbilly is a term for people who dwell in rural, mountainous areas in the United States, primarily in the Appalachian region and Ozarks. As people migrated out of the region during the Great Depression, the term spread northward and westward with them.
  • Redneck
    Redneck Derogatory term applied to white person from the rural South of the United States
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    rank #2 ·
    Redneck is a derogatory term mainly, but not exclusively, applied to white Americans perceived to be crass and unsophisticated, closely associated with rural whites of the Southern United States.
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