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Ethnic slurs

This list has 23 members.
  • Taffy was a Welshman
    Taffy was a Welshman Nursery rhyme
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    "Taffy was a Welshman" is an English language nursery rhyme which was popular between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 19237.
  • Choc ice
    Choc ice Frozen dessert
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    rank #2 ·
    A choc ice is the British English term for a generic frozen dessert generally consisting of a rectangular block of ice cream — typically vanilla flavour — thinly coated with chocolate and without a stick.
  • Rootless cosmopolitan Pejorative term for Jewish intellectuals in the Soviet Union
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    rank #3 ·
    Rootless cosmopolitan (Russian: безродный космополит, bezrodnyi kosmopolit) was a pejorative Soviet epithet which referred mostly to Jewish intellectuals as an accusation of their lack of full allegiance to the Soviet Union, especially during the anti-cosmopolitan campaign of 1946–53.
  • Kafir Arabic term for "unbeliever" in Islam
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    rank #4 ·
    Kafir (Arabic: كافر‎ kāfir; plural كَافِرُونَ kāfirūna, كفّار kuffār or كَفَرَة kafarah; feminine كافرة kāfirah; feminine plural كافرات kāfirāt or كوافر kawāfir) is an Arabic term which means "infidel", "rejector", "denier", "disbeliever", "unbeliever", "nonbeliever". The term refers to a person who rejects or disbelieves in God as per Islam (Arabic: الله Allāh) or the tenets of Islam, denying the dominion and authority of God, and is thus often translated as "infidel". The term is used in different ways in the Quran, with the most fundamental sense being "ungrateful" (toward God). Kufr means unbelief, “to be thankless,” “to be faithless,” or "ingratitude". Its opposite is īmān or faith.
  • Bulgarophiles Term describing certain Slavic people
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    rank #5 ·
    Bulgarophiles (Macedonian: бугарофили; Bulgarian: българофили; Serbian: бугарофили or бугараши; Greek: βουλγαρόφιλοι; Romanian: Bulgarofilii) is a term used for Slavic people from the regions of Macedonia and Pomoravlje who regard themselves as ethnic Bulgarians. In Bulgaria, the term Bulgaromans; (Bulgarian: българомани; Romanian: Bulgaromani) refers to non-Slavic people such as Aromanians with a Bulgarian self-awareness. In the 20th century, Bulgarophiles in Yugoslavia, Greece and the USSR were considered enemies of the state.
  • Half-breed
    Half-breed Obsolete term for mixed Native American and European ancestry
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    rank #6 ·
    Half-breed is a term, used to describe anyone who is of mixed race; although, in the United States, it usually refers to people who are half Native American and half European/white.
  • Gringo
    Gringo Spanish and Portuguese term for foreigner
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    rank #7 ·
    A gringo (, Portuguese: ) (male) or gringa (female) is someone considered a foreigner from the perspective of Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries in Latin America. Gringo usually refers to a foreigner, especially from the United States or (to a lesser extent) Canada. Although it is considered an offensive term in Spanish-speaking countries, in Brazilian Portuguese, the term simply means "foreign". In English it often carries a derogatory connotation, and occasionally does so in Spanish and Portuguese. Possible other connotations may include monolingualism, a lack of understanding of Hispanic culture, and blond hair with white skin.
  • Cholo
    Cholo a loosely defined Spanish term that has had various meanings
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    rank #8 ·
    Cholo is a loosely defined Spanish term that has had various meanings. Its origin is a somewhat derogatory term for people of mixed-blood heritage in the Spanish Empire in Latin America and its successor states as part of castas, the informal ranking of society by heritage. Cholo no longer necessarily refers only to ethnic heritage, and is not always meant negatively. Cholo can signify anything from its original sense as a person with one Amerindian parent and one Mestizo parent, "gangster" in Mexico, an insult in some South American countries (similar to chulo in Spain), or a "person who dresses in the manner of a certain subculture" in the United States as part of the cholo subculture.
  • Colored Term used in the United States to describe black people
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    rank #9 ·
    Colored, or coloured, is an ethnic descriptor historically used in the United States (predominantly during the Jim Crow era) and the United Kingdom with its former colonies. In the United States, it is considered a racial pejorative. Historically, the term denoted non-"white" individuals generally. The term now has essentially the same meaning in the United Kingdom, with "coloured" thus equivalent to "people of colour".
  • Coolie
    Coolie Labourer from Asia
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    rank #10 ·
    The word coolie, meaning a labourer, has a variety of other implications and is sometimes regarded as offensive or a pejorative, depending upon the historical and geographical context, however in the origin country of India it is still considered a derogatory slur. It is similar, in many respects, to the Spanish term peón, although both terms are used in some countries, with slightly differing implications.
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