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Direct democracy

This list has 7 sub-lists and 26 members. See also Autonomy, Anarchist theory, Popular sovereignty, Social anarchism, Direct action, Types of democracy
Ballot measures
Ballot measures 3 L, 4 T
Recall elections
Recall elections 3 L, 2 T
Referendums 12 L, 2 T
E-democracy 1 L, 15 T
Initiatives 3 L, 8 T
  • Pia Mancini
    Pia Mancini Person
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    rank #1 ·
    Pia Mancini is an activist and technical project leader from Argentina. She is co-founder of Democracy Earth and Open Collective. The latter is a project that facilitates open source code contributors to receive donations.
  • Trial of Socrates 399 B.C.E legal proceedings by the pantheon of Athens against Socrates
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    rank #2 ·
    The trial of Socrates (399 BC) was held to determine the philosopher's guilt of two charges: asebeia (impiety) against the pantheon of Athens, and corruption of the youth of the city-state; the accusers cited two impious acts by Socrates: "failing to acknowledge the gods that the city acknowledges" and "introducing new deities".
  • Rojava conflict
    Rojava conflict Military and political conflict in northern Syria
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    rank #3 ·
    The Rojava conflict, also known as the Rojava revolution, is a political upheaval and military conflict taking place in Northern Syria, known among Kurdish nationalists as Western Kurdistan or Rojava. During the Syrian Civil War that began in 2011, a Kurdish-dominated coalition led by the Democratic Union Party as well as some other Kurdish, Arab, Syriac-Assyrian and Turkmen groups have sought to establish a new constitution for the de facto autonomous region, while military wings and allied militias have fought to maintain control of the region. This led to the establishment of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (DFNS) in 2016, which was renamed the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES) in 2018. The supporters of the NES state that the events constitute a social revolution with a prominent role played by women both on the battlefield and within the newly formed political system, as well as the implementation of democratic confederalism, a form of libertarian socialism that emphasizes decentralization, gender equality and the need for local governance through semi-direct democracy.
  • Jury
    Jury Group of people to render a verdict in a court
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    rank #4 ·
    A jury is a sworn body of people (jurors) convened to hear evidence, make findings of fact, and render an impartial verdict officially submitted to them by a court, or to set a penalty or judgment. Most trial juries are "petit juries", and usually consist of twelve people. A larger jury known as a grand jury has been used to investigate potential crimes and render indictments against suspects.
  • Referendum
    Referendum Direct vote on a specific proposal
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    rank #5 ·
    A referendum, plebiscite, or ballot measure is a direct vote by the electorate (rather than their representatives) on a proposal, law, or political issue. A referendum may be either binding (resulting in the adoption of a new policy) or advisory (functioning like a large-scale opinion poll).
  • Democracy International eV International non-governmental organisation
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    rank #6 ·
    Democracy International e.V. is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) working on strengthening direct democracy and citizens' participation at local level, in the nation states and on the global level. Democracy International has been existing as a loose network of democracy activists since 2002. The organisation was formally established in June 2011 as a registered membership association (eingetragener Verein e.V.) according to German non-profit law. Democracy International is politically independent and funded by membership fees and individual donations. The headquarters are in Cologne, Germany.
  •  0    0
    rank #7 ·
    E2D International (E2D) is the political international of the Electronic Direct Democracy (E2D) Party movement. The E2D Manifesto describes the basic political principles of E2D International member parties.
  • The People's Parliament television series
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    rank #8 ·
    The People's Parliament is a Channel 4 programme in which 90-100 randomly selected citizens, sitting in a mockup of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom, debated and voted on controversial issues. Each programme started with a motion that was then debated by a proposer and witnesses for each side, setting out the facts behind the issues and the arguments for and against the motion. Its parliamentary procedures were under the control of Lesley Riddoch who acted as its "Speaker". The participants hearing debate and voted on motions were called "Members of the People's Parliament" (MPPs) and selected to be representative of society. They made their own speeches, examined expert witnesses, and set up their own "Select committees".
  • Deliberative democracy A form of democracy focusing on consensus
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    rank #9 ·
    Deliberative democracy or discursive democracy is a form of democracy in which deliberation is central to decision-making. It adopts elements of both consensus decision-making and majority rule. Deliberative democracy differs from traditional democratic theory in that authentic deliberation, not mere voting, is the primary source of legitimacy for the law.
  • Pirate Party Type of political party
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    rank #10 ·
    Pirate Party is a label adopted by political parties in different countries. Pirate parties support civil rights, direct democracy (including e-democracy) or alternative participation in government, reform of copyright and patent law, free sharing of knowledge (open content), information privacy, transparency, freedom of information, free speech, anti-corruption and net neutrality.
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