rank #10 ·
Nationalist Democratic Action (in Spanish: Acción Democrática Nacionalista) is a right-wing political party in Bolivia led by Oscar Daza Márquez. ADN was founded on March 23, 1979 by the military dictator Hugo Banzer after he stepped down from power. It later expanded to include the Revolutionary Left Party (PIR) and a faction of the Bolivian Socialist Falange (FSB). As leader of the ADN, Banzer ran in the 1979, 1980, 1985, 1989, 1993, and 1997 presidential elections. He obtained third place in 1979 and 1980, and won a plurality of the 1985 vote, but, since he did not attain the 50% necessary for direct election, Congress (in accordance with the Bolivian Constitution) selected the chief executive. Its choice was the second-place finisher, Dr. Víctor Paz Estenssoro.