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Alcohol-related deaths in Pakistan

This list has 1 member. See also Alcohol-related deaths, Alcohol in Pakistan, Drug-related deaths in Pakistan
  • Sadat Hasan Manto
    Sadat Hasan Manto Pakistani short story writer
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    Saadat Hasan Manto (Urdu: سعادت حسن منٹو‎, 11 May 1912 – 18 January 1955) was a colonial Indian and Pakistani writer, playwright and author born in Ludhiana, India. Writing mainly in the Urdu language, he produced 22 collections of short stories, a novel, five series of radio plays, three collections of essays and two collections of personal sketches. His best short stories are held in high esteem by writers and critics. Manto was known to write about the hard truths of society that no one dared to talk about. He is best known for his stories about the partition of India, which he opposed, immediately following independence in 1947.
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