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  • 168 Óra Weekly Hungarian language political news magazine
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    168 Óra (meaning 168 Hours in English) is a weekly Hungarian language political news magazine published in Budapest, Hungary.
  • ATV (Hungary)
    ATV (Hungary) Television channel
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    ATV (formerly known as Magyar ATV) is the first Hungarian private TV channel, broadcasting continuously since 1989, with a focus on news, public life, and current events. Licensed as a partially public service commercial television station, it is obliged to broadcast public interest programs (news, current affairs, sports, religion) 50% of the time. Because of this special status, the channel is eligible to apply for grants from the government and the radio and television authority. As of 2003 the owner of the channel is the Hungarian Faith Church. It is the first private TV channel in Hungary, being established in late 1989 and airing ever since.
  • Magyar Narancs
    Magyar Narancs News magazine in Hungary
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    Magyar Narancs (Hungarian Orange in English) is a weekly liberal magazine with a strong satiric tone appearing on Thursdays in Hungary. It is informally referred to as Mancs (Paw in English) which is a joking abbreviation of the name. The magazine was first published in October 1989. Its headquarters are in Budapest. The language of the magazine is unique in that it uses everyday speech and not the formal language of most Hungarian journalism. It has a great effect on the Hungarian liberal-libertarian intellectual society. It includes articles mainly on politics, culture and sociology.
  • Social Democratic Party (Hungary) Political party in Hungary
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    The Social Democratic Party (Hungarian: Szociáldemokrata Párt, SZDP) often known as the "Historic" Social Democratic Party ("történelmi" Szociáldemokrata Párt tSZDP) was a small Hungarian political party now considered to be practically defunct. It emerged following a split within the Hungarian Social Democratic Party (MSZDP) in 1989. Both the SZDP and MSZDP lay claim to the same heritage: the Social Democratic Party which was part of a governing coalition in Hungary between 1945 and 1948, and a short period in 1956, which itself was renamed from the Hungarian Social Democratic Party, previously established in 1890. Traditional areas of support were the industrial areas of Budapest, especially Óbuda, Pesterzsébet and Angyalföld.
  • Christian Democratic People's Party (Hungary)
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    The Christian Democratic People's Party (Hungarian: Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt, KDNP) is a right-wing Christian democratic political party in Hungary. It is officially a coalition partner of the ruling party, Fidesz, but is mostly considered a satellite party of Fidesz. The party has been unable to get into the Parliament on its own since the 1990s (with the last time it did so being 1994), as it was not able to pass the election threshold of 5% of the vote. Without Fidesz, its support is now low enough that it can no longer be measured, and even a leading Fidesz politician, János Lázár, stated that Fidesz does not consider the government to be a coalition government.
  • Hungarian Socialist Party
    Hungarian Socialist Party Hungarian political party
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    The Hungarian Socialist Party (Hungarian: Magyar Szocialista Párt), known mostly by its acronym MSZP, is a social-democratic political party in Hungary.
  • Toti Sport Hungarian sportswear brand
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    Toti Sport is a Hungarian sports clothing brand.
  • Constitutional Court of Hungary
    Constitutional Court of Hungary Constitutional court
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    The Constitutional Court of Hungary (Hungarian: Magyarország Alkotmánybírósága) is a special court of Hungary, making judicial review of the acts of the Parliament of Hungary. The official seat of the Constitutional Court is Budapest. Until 2012 the seat was Esztergom.
  • National Assembly (Hungary)
    National Assembly (Hungary) Parliament of Hungary
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    The National Assembly (Hungarian: Országgyűlés, 'Country Assembly') is the parliament of Hungary. The unicameral body consists of 199 (386 between 1990 and 2014) members elected to four-year terms. Election of members is done using a semi-proportional representation: a mixed-member majoritarian representation with partial compensation via transfer votes and mixed single vote; involving single-member districts and one list vote; parties must win at least 5% of the popular vote in order to gain list seats. The Assembly includes 25 standing committees to debate and report on introduced bills and to supervise the activities of the ministers. The Constitutional Court of Hungary has the right to challenge legislation on the grounds of constitutionality.
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    The People of the Orient Party – Christian Democrats (Hungarian: Kelet Népe Párt, Kereszténydemokraták; KNP–KD), also known as simply People of the Orient Party, was a far-right clerical nationalist political party in Hungary.
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