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1908 fantasy novels

This list has 7 members. See also 1900s fantasy novels, Fantasy novels by year, 1908 speculative fiction novels
  • The Last Egyptian
    The Last Egyptian 1908 American novel and 1914 American film
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    Genre: Drama, Romance, Adventure
    Writer: L. Frank Baum
    rank #1 ·
    The Last Egyptian: A Romance of the Nile is a novel written by L. Frank Baum, famous as the creator of the Land of Oz. The book was published anonymously on May 1, 1908 by Edward Stern & Co. of Philadelphia, with eight color plate illustrations by Francis P. Wightman. Baum left his name off of the book because he was concerned that "masquerading as a novelist" might hurt his career as a writer for children; but he identified himself as the author of the book during his lifetime when making fantasy films for children proved a financial disaster.
  • The Fiery Angel (novel) 1908 novel by Valery Bryusov
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    rank #2 ·
    The Fiery Angel (Russian: Огненный ангел, Ognenny Angel) is a novel by Russian writer Valery Bryusov. It was first serialized in the Russian literary monthly Vesy in 1907–08, and then published in a book form (in two volumes) in 1908. Set in sixteenth-century Germany, it depicts a love triangle between Renata, a passionate young woman, Ruprecht, a knight and Madiel, the fiery Angel. The novel tells the story of Ruprecht's attempts to win the love of Renata whose spiritual integrity is seriously undermined by her participation in occult practices. This love triangle is now recognised to be that which existed between the author, Bryusov, the symbolist novelist Andrei Bely and their shared lover, the nineteen-year-old Nina Petrovskaya. The novel is a meticulous account of sixteenth-century Germany, notably Cologne and the world of the occult. Characters such as Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa and Faust appear alongside a description of a Black Mass.
  • The Ghost Kings
    The Ghost Kings 1908 novel by H. Rider Haggard
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    rank #3 ·
    The Ghost Kings is a 1908 mystery-adventure novel by H Rider Haggard, set on the borders of Zululand in Africa.
  • The House on the Borderland
    The House on the Borderland 1908 novel by William Hope Hodgson
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    rank #4 ·
    The House on the Borderland (1908) is a supernatural horror novel by British fantasist William Hope Hodgson. The novel is a hallucinatory account of a recluse's stay at a remote house, and his experiences of supernatural creatures and otherworldly dimensions.
  • The Magician (Maugham novel)
    The Magician (Maugham novel) 1908 novel by William Somerset Maugham
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    rank #5 ·
    The Magician is a novel by British author W. Somerset Maugham, originally published in 1908. In this tale, the magician Oliver Haddo, a caricature of Aleister Crowley, attempts to create life. Crowley wrote a critique of this book under the pen name Oliver Haddo, in which he accused Maugham of plagiarism.
  • The Yellow God
    The Yellow God 1908 novel by H. Rider Haggard
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    rank #6 ·
    The Yellow God: An Idol of Africa is a 1908 novel by H Rider Haggard.
  • Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz
    Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz 1908 novel by L. Frank Baum
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    rank #7 ·
    Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz is the fourth book set in the Land of Oz written by L. Frank Baum and illustrated by John R. Neill. It was published on June 18, 1908 and reunites Dorothy with the humbug Wizard from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900). This is one of only two of the original fourteen Oz books (the other being The Emerald City of Oz (1910), to be illustrated with watercolor paintings.
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